This is ALL me :) I'm Olga Kuzmik from Mr.Raglands Art 3 class. The painting to the left is the first piece I've done this semester. Not only that, but it's the first watercolor painting I've ever done. Originally it was only supposed to have the sun, the flowing design at the bottom and the girl but i couldn't stop myself once i started.The girl was supposed to be sitting facing the sun to show communication , since my theme is: "Isolation is the part of the human experience." After I started, I changed my whole idea and outlook on how I wanted it to be. The background has a variety of things "hidden," like a peacock, which is a constant thing I draw/sketch/paint every week for my visual journals. There is also a Russian church top in the background showing my heritage and something I'm proud of. If I was to do this painting over I'd fix things, change things etc. The mistakes that I DID have and fixed include when i dropped my paintbrush full of yellow paint and it rolled down my paper...I ended up having a big streak of yellow, to fix it I took a cotton ball dabbed it in painted throughout the background, problem solved! I had fun with this painting and I hope it shows :)