I'm Ashley Pittman, and I,m in Mrs.Cauble's ceramics class. These are my texture tiles. The assignment was to make four tiles that had a conecting image or theme, and different textures on each tile. I put a quarter of a celtic knot on each tile, so that when they 're all together you see the whole thing. On each tile I put images representing one of the four elements; earth, water, fire, and air. I thought the elemental theme went well with the celtic knot, because both are ways that themes like unity or collaboration have been expressed. When I painted them I used layers of different shades of the colors to gives the images depth and to make parts stand out, like the tree and the swirls on the air tile. On the fire tile I painted the background black first, then went back and drybrushed yellow and orange on top tomake it look like the fire was lighting up the darkness around it.
Very nice, Ashley! I really love how you develop all of your talents, not just one. Keep it up!
A very brilliant piece, I love how it all blends together. Very well done!
Wow...how'd you get so smart at so many things??
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