Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Too provocative?

Woodmont High School declined to hang this self-portrait in the school library because of "provocative" content. It's by former IB student Elise Ellisor, and won Best in Show at last year's annual Woodmont Student Art Show.
What do you think? Is the content too provocative for a public space like a school library? Why or why not?
UPDATE - Mr. Imperati, our principal, viewed the painting this morning and agreed with the Art department that the painting should be on permanent public display in the Library.


Anonymous said...

I think the fact that WHS refuses to put this piece up in the library is ridiculous. They show us videos of live birth in Human Bio and Child Development but a censored self portrait is to risque? The painting is beautiful and is in no way pornographic or provocative in the least. WHS needs to get the art memo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment Nina. The painting is beautiful and Elise did this shortly after she had surgery to remove a "bar" that was in her chest. She was born with a shrunken chest syndrome where the bones grow inward (if I remember correctly). She had just had the rod removed and began this painting during her recovery. She was celebrating the fact that she was finally rid of that bar. She sent a photo of the bar to my email. It was larger than I thought it would be. At any rate the painting is in no way porn and is actually an amazing study of pain, growth, and inner beauty.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think art should ever be considered too provovative. Each piece represents something the artist is feeling or just shows the passion within it whether it has nudity or not. Some of the best-known artist have "provocative" work that help boost the notoriety of that said artist. Elise has so much talent, she really deserves to at least have the portrait haning in the school.

-Taylor Mitchell

jme144 said...

lol they tried to say thats provocative. hehe yea right I that would be like a painting a god/goddess could make. ^^ it shows pure talent. Actually i would enjoy having it displayed thanx Mr. Imperati for agreeing peace Mr.D

Cadaver said...

I love this, they seriously need to get over it.Its high school anyways.Some of the girls that walk around ALL over the school are far more provocative looking than this painting will ever be.

Michelle E said...

Art is supposed to be provocative--that is, art is intended to make the viewer think and/or feel rather than just passively observe. One of the definitions of provocative is "stimulating discussion or exciting controversy," and to me, that is exactly what good art should do. This painting accomplishes that and more--especially after I read the comment by suzaaan26 (posted on 8/27) and learned some of the artist's history and the meaning behind the painting.

Anonymous said...

Artwork--provocative?!! Who would have thought?!!

One of the definitions of provocative is "stimulating discussion or exciting controversy," and to me, that is exactly the reaction that good art should have on the viewer. If the only thing that artwork accomplished was passive engagement from its audience, it would be a very dull world, indeed.

I think this is a beautiful painting, and I love the way that the artist used the bar of blank space to represent (from what I've read in other comments) the "bar" that was in her chest. This artist reminds me of one of my favorite artists of all time-- Frida Kahlo--in that she expresses her physical and emotional pain through her artwork. I would think that the school would consider it an honor to display such talent.

Mr. Ragland said...

I look forward to the day when Woodmont High is full of beautiful, provocative student work.

Unknown said...

Seems no more provocative than some things I see every day in the halls.

Anonymous said...

I've admired this piece so many times. I continue to be amazed at the talent in this school! You have a terrific gift! Thanks for allowing us to display your work. It sure has beautified our school!
