Friday, December 19, 2008

Love That Wraps Like a Vine

This is the mother of my mother, as known to everyone as my Grandmother. this painting only took me one week to complete, but I only worked on it for two actual school days. This was the first painting that I did that contained a person that wore obstructions on their face, so this was the hardest part to do for me. The background stands out the most because of the influence of the background-foreground illusion from the artist Kehinde Wileywho paints portraits that are huge - about the size of a wall. The background was done with sponge and a point 3 brush.  The face was mostly done with a sea sponge also, but the highlights and deep-cut shadows were done with a medium 3 point brush. The shirt was the second hardest thing for me to complete because I was extremely hesitant about adding purple and blue to make shadows and folds in the cloth.  The light shadows on the shirt were down with yellows and white, then the highlights were just a lighter shade of that mixed yellow and white, or just white. I used the same concept on the earrings. This is my second painting of anyone other than me.

More Shoes in Ceramics

Hey, my name is Camille Wilkins. I'm a sophomore and am in Mrs. Cauble's 1st period Ceramics class. Our assignment was to create a shoe out of clay. I started looking up pictures of shoes on the internet and I decided to make a replica of a Classic Adidas shoe. I am very satisfied with the way it came out because I was afraid that all the details I added wouldn't show. It took me about a week and a half to make this because I wanted to make sure I that didn't miss any details. I think the hardest part of making this shoe was painting it because there were so many small creases and that made it difficult to stay inside of the lines. We have had many great assignments to work on in Ceramics class, but I think that this was one of my favorites.

Making Shoes in Ceramics

Hi, my name is Masha Harley and I'm in Mrs. Caubles Ceramics class,  first block. She gave us an assignment to make a shoe out of clay. As I was thinking about what shoe I was going to make, I realized this assignment was much more difficult then the others we had. I eventually did a flat shoe. To make it more interesting and out of the box, I took a red ribbon and threaded it through the holes I made. The ribbon definitely made it more interesting!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

Using the Inkle Loom in Art 2

Hello! My name is Tiana Caple. I'm in the 11th grade, and I'm in Mr. Davis's Art 2 class. We just finished a new project using the Inkle Loom. First we learned to wrap the thread we wanted to use as the warp around the machine. The warp is another word for the color of the strings you've chosen. After that that you weave the string together which is called the weft. That's definitely the easiest part. The hardest part is the warping, because you have to be very careful to do it exactly right. The picture at the bottom is the piece that i made. I think it turned out really good. It didn't take me long to do it. I used pink, purple, and blue. The weft is white. I think this is easier than painting, and much more fun. It's fun, and not that complicated.