Thursday, October 30, 2008

Clay Masks in Ceramics

Hello, my name is Brittany Phillips and i love fine arts! I'm not in IB Art or anything, but I'm in Mrs Cauble's Ceramics 1 class. We worked on lots of fun stuff, but halfway through the class Mrs. Cauble told us that we had to make face masks. We could make anything we wanted. At first I didn't know what I wanted to do, but then as i was looking at my wolf necklace I realized I wanted to make a wolf mask. It started out easy, but when I tried to make the ears look the same (and then the eyes) it became more difficult. That was nothing compared to the teeth! The teeth took a very long time because I had to make and place each tooth one by one in the mouth. It was hard to get to the inside of the mouth, but in the end it was really fun to make. Next is more clay fun!


Jenkins said...

Brittany, your wolf mask is awesome! It may have been laborious getting the teeth just right, but it was worth the time and effort! How cool!

Keep up the great work!

Suzan C. said...

It's being fired tonight Brittany. I'll know in the morning if it blew up or not. It felt really dry so I went ahead and fired it! Fingers crossed here....