Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Face Jugs in Art 1

Hey, my name is Aden Johnson. I'm in the tenth grade and am taking Art for the first time. I don't especially like to paint and draw, but I really like working with clay - anything hands-on. I go to Donaldson Center in the afternoons to take welding classes, and I'm going to be a certified welder and go into the Army after I graduate.
For this project, I made two pinch pots, then I slipped and scored them together. After I attached them, I cut a hole in the top and made a spout out of clay coils. For the face, I stuck two teeth made out of clay tile pieces, and made a moustache and eyebrows. I added three legs and handles for ears, then cut a nose hole and a mouth hole so the piece wouldn't explode. The legs came off in the first firing, but Mrs. Cauble showed me how to slip and score them back on with kiln cement. After it was fired, I picked green for the glaze - it's my favorite color. I liked this assignment - it kept me busy and I never got bored. I want to take Ceramics next year so I can do this stuff all semester.


Anonymous said...

What a great piece! I love the effect of the legs and the brilliant green color is fantastic! Great job!

Anonymous said...

I love the originality of this piece of art! The color, the added humour of the face, as well as the overall design is absolutely fantastic. I'm very impressed and proud to say I have taught this fine young man.

Gregg said...

Aden, I know I've told you before, but this is one awesome ceramic piece. Beautifully built, solid, and above all funny!
Excellent work!

Suzan C. said...

Aden, are you interested in taking Ceramics next year? Come see me and I'll sign you up if you are interested! This is a very nice piece!

Anonymous said...

My first impression was what a great color...almost Shreky...I like Shrek but not as much as this piece. The best part of this face jug has to the coiled spout. How cool!It reminds me of an old video game character named Q-bert. Except, Q-bert was orange with a coiled nose much like the one on your jug's head.

Thanks for sharing your piece on the blog. I just love it! I'm so proud of your work and am so glad that you have found ceramics to be so enjoyable.

Keep up the terrific work!
