Thursday, February 19, 2009

Musical Abstract Findings

Aloha, my name is Chad Wise and I am currently in International Baccalaureate Art. The picture you see on the left is my latest studio. You may be thinking, "What is that?!" Well, to answer your question, it is an abstract drawing with different shapes and shading. I used a pen on the entire work. The 'pattern' that you see is a bunch of shapes that look like blades of grass overlapping each other. The three black zig-zag type shapes that you see are just random lines I drew and then connected. I shaded them in twice; the pen strokes went in different directions to make it darker. Another shape that is pretty interesting is in the top left-hand corner. Instead of connecting straight lines like the black shapes, I connected rounded lines. I then filled it in with dots, which gives it a contrasting look from the rest of the work. I believe this studio took me about two weeks to finish. None of it was really planned, it happened randomly. Of course, I knew the type of shapes I was going to use, but the placement was random. I worked on this while listening to music, and I can tell what type of music I was listening to when I worked on certain parts of it. Near the bottom-left, the blade with the black blade on the inside of it was the first one I drew. I used the darkened blade to remind me how I started. I do not know what to call this yet - Untitled #3 seems too ordinary, and yet is also fitting at the same time. I had a lot of fun on this studio; I felt that I was actually doing something that worked for the class. My previous studios are not as representative of me as they should be, this one is. -Chad Wise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Goodness! This looks like a time consuming project. One worth the effort! Judging by your technique of leaves and jagged zig zags, I would assume you were into some great rock-n-roll but maybe a more subdued genre when rounding and dotting.

Nevertheless, I find this spectacular and thank you for posting your art so that we can all enjoy!
