Thursday, November 6, 2008

Linocuts in Art 1

Hey, what's up, Internet people. My name is Zach Raymer and I am a senior here at Woodmont High School. I attended Hillcrest High School last year and I somehow got stuck in this class. At first it was a disappointment, and seemed to be a way to torture me through my senior year. After being in this class my mindset has changed. It's a pretty enjoyable class to attend every day. The assignment was to persuade people on a certain topic, or something that symbolizes a certain meaning in life. I chose a raised Football helmet in the air. The raised helmet symbolizes victory! This is shown many times during football in the big leagues all the way down to the pee-wee leagues. We had to carve out the design on a linoleum block - the objects we carved out turned out white. The portion on the linocut that was left uncarved remained black from the ink. After this time consuming process, we applied ink to the linocut and pretty much used it as a stamp. We pressed the linocut onto a sheet of paper and the design applied straight onto it. The assignment was a little tough because I chose to do something with little specific lines, which was the face mask. I had to take my time to get it just right. Some pieces didn't turn out as good as I hoped they would have, but overall I'm pretty impressed and proud of how the linocut turned out.


Anonymous said...

Big zach wassup! this photo hits close to home wildcat love imma miss ya man! this photo gives off a type of energy that rises you adrenaline and makes you want to get dirty good work!


Chloe Carter said...

That is pretty great, Zach!
I like the helment idea for victory! I gottah holllah at u for that, man! :) great job!

Chloe Carter
Mauldin High Student